Treccine allo Zucchero



140g refreshed 50% hydration sourdough starter
50g caster sugar
50g butter at room temperature
300g strong white flour
2 eggs
1 tbsp honey
2 tsp vanilla extract
zest of one lemon
100g milk
1/2 tsp salt

Add all ingredients but the butter in a planetary mixer and work to a smooth and elastic dough. Then add the salt and the butter and work again.
The dough will be ready once it wraps firmly around the hook.
Form a ball with the dough, and proof until doubles in size in a sealed plastic container. Typically this should take around 10 to 12 hours, but much depends on the ambient temperature.
When the dough is ready divide it into 12 portions. Form a small plait with each portion.
Rest all the plaits on a oven tray, previously buttered or on a sheet of baking paper.
Proof for a couple of hours then bake ta 180C for about 20 minutes, or until golden.
Once baked, brush the brioche plaits with melted butter and sprinkle with caster sugar.


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